Our bodies, minds and souls are magnificently designed to constantly steer us into the direction of our higher good, and away from what could potentially be a life threat.
There is one problem though, our unconscious survival responses get in the way of our ability to sense these signs and signals. Most of us operate from some sort of survival response on a daily basis without being aware of it and most of the time it's fine. It keeps us going. After feeling a tumor or receiving a cancer diagnosis however, the survival dial gets tuned up big time, immediately catapulting us further away from our ability to make sensible treatment choices.
This is your safe space to get back to you, so you can find the courage, clarity and confidence to make your cancer choices.
It was when I could finally give myself the TLC I needed, that my healing journey started unfolding. I found myself attracting the right people and information for treating my metastasized cancer.
I needed a life-threatening diagnosis to finally choose ME above all else. By loving ourselves we tap into our innate power. I didn't find the power to heal by becomming tougher in life, I got here by becomming softer and lighter.
I could now feel my NO towards how I was (going to be) treated came from my KNOWing, and follow the lighter road.
I wish the same for you.
Miruna van Hemert
Founder Miruna was 35 when she developed a breast tumor. She had it surgically removed in November '21 and denied radiation and chemotherapy. Within a year it came back metastasized. The biggest tumors were over 3,5 cm underneath her armpit and in her neck. Despite all the pressure to do the conventional treatments, she decided to navigate through fear and anger and go her own way in treating the metastasis. Even though she didn't know then what it would look like when she said no to chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. To the surprise of many, but not hers, her treatments of choice were successful.
This journey of finding her way out of what she calls 'cancer stuckness' taught her a lot. Mainly about the life-saving act of not deceiving yourself when it comes to what you feel and know to be the right way for you in treating - or not treating - your (metastatic) cancer. Or better said; especially when it comes to this kind of life determining medical choices. She learned that in the end when we take full responsibility over our own life choices and follow our common sense and intuitive guidance, we can find the clarity to navigate our cancer and healing journeys with confidence.